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When To Call/Text Your Doula
It's getting close to baby time! Your bag is packed, your belly is huge, and you can't wait for labor to begin! How will you know when...
Jessica Bower
Jan 28, 20226 min read

{Birth Story} Coming in Hot!
By Jessie Williams, a Natural Baby Doulas Client What a beautiful (fast) ride my labor and the delivery of our sweet son was! It is hard...
Jessica Bower
Jul 9, 20215 min read

My Mission To Make a Small Baby
Disclaimer: I am writing this post based on my journey through gestational diabetes. I am not a nutritionist. I'm a doula who did my...
Jessica Bower
Jun 15, 20216 min read

The Ultimate Fourth Trimester Guide
I had my second baby this past November! Now that I’ve had two postpartum experiences, I decided to put together a guide for the fourth...
Kristian Jordan (Natural Baby Doulas Certified
Apr 21, 20215 min read

{Birth Story} And Then There Were Three
This doula client wrote her birth story in a letter to her daughter. We love how she wrote it - just beautiful! Mila, I write this story...
Morgan Ruggiero-Hunt (A Doula Client)
Feb 12, 202114 min read

Massage Therapy In Pregnancy
One of our favorite massage therapists, Amanda Bollinger, shares why massage in pregnancy doesn't just feel great, but has even more...
Amanda Bollinger, NC-LMBT
Feb 12, 20212 min read

Women's Health PT - A Valuable Resource
What is a pelvic floor physical therapist? What is a women’s health physical therapist? More importantly how can you benefit from seeing...
Dr. Katie Taylor, PT, DPT, CLT, OCS
Jan 14, 20212 min read

{Birth Story} A Healing and Redemptive Birth
Trauma is magnified in pregnancy… especially past pregnancy, loss and/or birth trauma. Trauma leads us to be safety-seeking asking...
Kristian Jordan (Natural Baby Doulas Certified
Dec 14, 202015 min read

What to Expect: Triage
When planning a hospital birth, everyone should know about the process of triage. Triage is usually a unit of the hospital where someone...
Sarah Carter
Nov 30, 20205 min read

{Birth Story} Dad's Perspective of Changed Plans
Birth was a long journey. Andrea woke up at 2am Saturday morning with back pain, and then it really set in at 4am. Turns out it was back...
Ken Westfall (A Doula Client - Dad)
Nov 30, 20204 min read

{Birth Story} Quick First Baby
Before I get too far into my son's birth story, I was told to put a disclaimer for first time parents because my labor and Easton's birth...
Kayla Loflin (A Doula Client)
Nov 16, 20205 min read

Why Might I Want A Postpartum Doula?
You've just had a baby, your world has changed and many unknown’s lay ahead. So, whether you are a first time parent or have toddler and...
Jessica Bower
Nov 10, 20202 min read

When Should You Hire Your Doula?
Potential clients often ask us, "When is the best time to reach out to you to see if we want to hire you for our birth?" While the real...
Jessica Bower
Nov 2, 20203 min read

Thriving in Postpartum: Community and Fitness
Ever since I became a mom, and even before that, I have always loved birth stories! I find sharing them to be a great way to get to know...
Mandy Morine, Owner of iStroll Winston-Salem
Oct 12, 20203 min read

Preparing for an Induction
It's likely that you are hoping to avoid an induction of labor for your birth. Most of our clients want their labor to start...
Jessica Bower
Oct 4, 20205 min read

Being A Doula During Covid-19
What a journey it has been since March of this year. I wanted to take some time to sit back and reflect on the past several months from...
Jessica Bower
Sep 22, 20205 min read

{Birth Story} Sweet Second VBA2C
Ryker was born naturally, my second vaginal birth after two prior c-sections (VBA2C). My first baby was born via c-section 9 years ago...
Jessica Bower
Aug 31, 20205 min read

{Birth Story} Plans Change. And That's Okay.
On July 3rd and 4th, I began noticing intermittent contractions but was determined to soak up every single day before Eliza’s due date....
Jessica Bower
Aug 10, 20208 min read

Local Midwife Options
We love midwives. We believe, in most instances, that there's nothing that beats the combination of a midwife and a doula to support a...
Jessica Bower
Jul 31, 20204 min read

{Birth Story} Birth Center to Hospital
Jason and I found out in September 2018 that we were going to be expecting our first baby. We were so excited and nervous all at the same...
Jessica Bower
May 17, 20209 min read
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