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{Birth Story} Coming in Hot!

Writer's picture: Jessica  BowerJessica Bower

By Jessie Williams, a Natural Baby Doulas Client

What a beautiful (fast) ride my labor and the delivery of our sweet son was! It is hard to believe he is here and in our arms. Now that I have had a couple months to soak up all the newborn moments I wanted to share a brief glimpse into God's provision and work from the first contraction to the end.

At almost 36 weeks due to a few reasons we switched to a different midwifery practice from the one we had been under the entire pregnancy. That in itself was a little nerve-racking. We went from driving 30 mins to our birth location to 48 minutes. I prayed for peace and received it. New midwives, new staff, new everything was a little unsettling at first but I knew it was the BEST decision at my first appointment.

Looking back at our daughter's labor and delivery just 17 months before, it was a total of 12 hours from first contraction to birth. She was also a week to the day early. So, we knew our little guy's would probably be a little more speedy.

Our grand adventure:

My husband, Tanner had just buckled our little lady into her seat and I was headed to the car right behind them to pick up a Walmart order. It was roughly 4pm and I felt some discomfort in my lower back. I suspectedit was possibly "something" because I had experienced all back pain the first go around with labor. On our trip to Walmart, I made a call to Jessica (our rock during labor) with Natural Baby Doulas. I was a little unsure about what I was experiencing because it was a little different than what I had felt before. She suggested we wait and see how things progressed to know if it was the real deal. After a few more "sensations" things got real, fast. I called my mother in law and asked her if she could come and pick up our daughter. She came around 530/6pm.

As contractions intensified quickly I bounced on my exercise ball while Tanner went to get some Italian take out so I could fuel up! As we sat at the dinner table I was having to stop every 5ish minutes and stand up for contractions. Around 6:30pm my contractions changed quickly to around 3 minutes apart dropping to the 2 minute range close to 7pm. I decided to hop in the shower to soothe my back labor. Jessica had called during that time to check on me and talked to Tanner. While in the shower I decided if we didn't leave soon I wouldn't make it! Around 7pm after my most intense contraction I told Tanner it was time to leave asap. He already had the car loaded and ready. He knew it was time too! My midwife Daniela had spoke to Jessica. Jessica had updated her on my progress. Daniela called me at 730pm. While on the phone with her I had to pause and breath through a contraction. After it passed she told me great job and the said, "Have you left yet, I think you need to be leaving!" We were actually pulling out of the driveway! (Later, after his birth she told me she didn't think I was going to make it there 🤣.)

The entrance ramps and exit ramps on and off the highways on our route were the most brutal parts of the drive. At 4 minutes out from arrival I began to feel pressure and early sensations to push. We arrived at 8:17pm (a little faster than expected 😉). Jessica, Daniela, the covid screener and valet were at the entrance ready for me. Now, that is service and awesome patient care. Jessica had rounded everyone up and told them they had a mama coming in hot!! Like I said she is THE BEST!! In very active labor the memory of my entrance into the hospital is very blurry. I was checked quickly by Daniela and was at 8 cm and taken straight to a room. I planned for a water birth. Daniela had already called and notified them I was coming and to be ready! They did a covid test and then I went straight to the shower until my test results came back. My labor slowed a little at that time but quickly sped back up It! It had to show a negative test before I could get into the birthing tub. The warm shower is my favorite way to help with pain. So I used the shower for a little bit and then went to the bed to labor so I could rest my legs from standing in the shower.

Tanner and Jessica were there by my side ever second. Jessica went and got the peanut ball and placed between my legs while I was on the bed. It helped keep my pelvis open. Tanner was there holding my hand, talking me through my contractions and reminding me to breath slow and quietly. Jessica was constantly checking for the results of my test, talking me through the pain and reminding me that my sweet baby was on the other side of my pain. She also helped the nurse regulate the temp of the birthing tub so it was ready when my results came back. When I was able to get into the tub the warm water felt so good to labor in. I felt weightless similar to the way you do in a pool. That helped when I began pushing later on. The water was around 100° and felt amazing.

After laboring in there a while I got out and labored some in the bed to cool down from the water. Around 10:40pm I was checked and ready to start pushing. I got back in the water. Surrounded by Tanner, Jessica, Daniela and a few nurses I started pushing with my next contraction at 10:50pm. His head came out with my first push. Then Daniela asked me if I thought I could push without a contraction? I told her yes and pushed with everything I had for 2 times. With 3 pushes in 4 minutes time Tanner helped lift our baby boy out of the water and on to my chest at 10:54pm. He lifted his little head off my chest and looked right up at me. I was a puddle.

While I delivered my placenta, Tanner was able to have skin on skin with his son and then shortly after I got to have my precious skin on skin with my fresh, precious baby boy. Before heading to our room Jessica went and got us Panera Bread and we all sat around at 12 midnight eating a much deserved meal recalling all the events of our night. We settled into our room around 1am.

I want to just say my husband is top notch. He has been and still is there for me through everything. He supported my decision to switch up my plan and birth team at 36 weeks. He is the best husband and daddy to our precious babies. He is my rock.

I can't thank Jessica enough for her support and Natural Baby Doulas for their amazing services they offer. Jessica has now been with us for both of our births. I am so thankful for her, who she is as a person and how she goes over and beyond for her clients. I have now been able to have 2 unmedicated births and one of those a water birth. The educational materials given and classes that we took through Jessica and Natural Baby Doulas I believe is a big part of being able to have the births we wanted. Also, Daniela at Wendover Obgyn in Greensboro is amazing, patient and gave me awesome care. The staff at Cone were great and our experience was 5 star!

So thankful that God has given us another healthy child and a smooth, natural labor and delivery.

Natural Baby Doulas supports families prior to and through the birth process in hospitals, birth centers, and home births located in Greensboro, High Point, Winston Salem, Burlington, Chapel Hill, & Statesville, NC. Contact us at 336-267-5879 or 

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